O Prefeito Rodrigo Hagge (MDB) participou na manhã desta sexta-feira 20/07, da cerimônia de transmissão do cargo de comandante da 8ª Companhia Independente de Polícia Militar ocorrida no plenário da Câmara Municipal de Vereadores. Na ocasião, o Major Aroldo de Araújo Rocha assumiu o cargo até então ocupado pelo Major Edmário Araújo Brito, que estará, a partir de agora, à frente da 78ª CIPM, em Vitória da Conquista.
O prefeito agradeceu ao apoio e parceria dedicados pelo Major Edmário durante sua atuação em Itapetinga e região, parabenizando-o pelo trabalho sério, probo e competente, e desejou boas vindas ao novo comandante, na certeza de que o Major Aroldo Horta irá ajudar a construir uma cidade melhor, mais desenvolvida e segura como os itapetinguenses merecem.
Estiveram também presentes o Presidente da Câmara de vereadores de Itapetinga, vereador Eliomar Barreira “Tarugão”, o Coordenador da COMUTRAN Cláudio Sousa, os Vereadores Valquirão e Sargento Alberto, secretariado do prefeito Rodrigo Hagge, dentre outras figuras políticas e autoridades da cidade e região.
ASCOM PMI / Itapetinga Notícias
The Brazilian State of Bahia has long had a proud history of maintaining law and order within its borders, and this proud tradition was recently reinforced by its Military Police Corps, as they held the long-awaited passing-on of command ceremony of its 8th Battalion of the Motorized Infantry Battalion (CIPM) in the municipality of Itapetinga.
The event was well-attended by prominent figures in the local and state milieu, representing the general public, police directors, military staff and religious institutions. Commanding Officer of the 8th CIPM Colonel Álvaro Carlos Coelho welcomed the gathering and heavily praised the police efforts in the area. “The 8th Battalion has immense regional reach and is part of the bigger strategy of the Military Police Corps to combat crime”, declared the Colonel.
The ceremony’s main subject was the transfer of the command of the 8th CIPM. After its formation in 1987, it has gone through several phases of adaptation and modernization, leading to the expansion of its area of competence and granting greater safety and public comfort. The transferring authority was former BC Jean Francisco Apolinário, whose service spanned from 2017 to 2020 and under whose guidance the 8th CIPM was able to play its part as an important asset in maintaining the security and public peace of the region. Apolinário graduated with honors from the Military Police Academy in Rio de Janeiro and served in the Armed Forces for 32 years.
Taking up the reign of the 8th CIPM was the newly appointed Colonel Valdomiro Cantuária, who has the responsibility of continuing the good work of his predecessor and adding his own to it. After being welcomed and congratulated by Colonel Coelho and Major Jean Gomes, deputy director of the Military Police Academies and School, Cantuária responded with a speech expressing his gratitude to the brigade, outlined his plans to promote the autonomy and enhance the expertise of his subordinates, and vowed to always prioritize the maintenance of public order, safety and peace.
The passing-on of command ceremony of the 8th CIPM of Itapetinga not only meant the recognition of the work achieved thus far, but also the promise of a prosperous and safe future for the region.